Monday, October 15, 2007

deadlines, vacations, and upset bellies

Buttercup has a runny diaper and I am feeding her Pedialyte like it's going out of style.
In that mix, I am also trying to pack for a four-day camping trip while finishing up some assignments due while we are on vacation.
Did I mention we are taking the baby and leaving the dogs home.
Yes, I realize I am insane.
No, I can't change my mind now. My parents told me the window of opportunity is now sealed shut.
Anyway, with all this craziness, I am trying to figure out how to best approach the handling of my blogs. Ruff Ruff is going to be expanded and perhaps I'll even come up with a monthly newsletter, once I get enough readers and support-that is. And from my newly installed counter-i know people are reading.
Who can resist Finnigan and Cat?
So no issues with that one.
I am wondering, though, about deadlines and if I should be reviewing products on this blog or perhaps creating a spin-off. I like the idea of reviewing products for the entire family from baby to teen to lipstick to boy toy gadgets. With Metro Parent's Five Fabulous Finds, I only review Mom and baby/kid stuff.
And IF I create a spin-off, what do I call it?
And are people even reading this? Dare I spend more unbillable time on a free venture when I am still working on bringing in an actual salary?
I know I am getting traffic on Ruff Ruff, and perhaps I will resign myself to just keeping things as is and use this blog as a means for self-expression, no matter who might '(not) be reading, and to share my trials and tribulations with any work-at-home moms who may find solace in knowing that there is at least one mom more screwed up than them on the blogosphere...
Not like I'm making any money off this baby, so no need to rush the decision.
Off to tend to Buttercup, pack, do laundry, and get started on another deadline.

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