Sunday, May 18, 2008

We have a winner!

No, I'm not announcing a contest winner, I'm just excited because I finally got a good picture of Buttercup to use for her birthday invitation from Stork Avenue.
Sure, I tried getting all professional yesterday with props and tu-tus and all it got me was a very peeved baby. Today I said "Whatever!" and left her in her jammies, snapping away with the digital as she played.
I am so excited to order the invites.



sara said...

Holy crap girl, I love the picture. That is a perfect choice! I really love the new blog layout. I need to change mine, I'm really bored with it. Father's Day actually look like it may be working out! I'm so excited.

Michelle said...

She is beautiful !!

Pauline said...

Thanks everybody. I think she's pretty cute, myself. But i'm supposed to, right?