Thursday, September 6, 2007

Baby knows all...

Buttercup is psychic.
At 12 weeks old, this cute little baby 'o' mine has already honed her skills and is able to tune in to exactly what I am doing at any given point in the day from her own private command center, A.K.A. "The Crib."
And most important to Buttercup is that once she has determined what mommy is doing, she can then decide if it is important (or trivial) enough to interrupt.
Let me give a few pertinent examples:
Exercise: You think I'm still sportin' this baby pooch cuz I think it's sexy? I can sit on my bum all day tossing Oreos down my throat and Buttercup is perfectly happy to snooze or swing or sit in the bouncy seat. But the second Mommy decides she needs to motivate herself and GET ACTIVE, Buttercup decides this is only allowable if and ONLY if said activity involves the Bob Revolution jogging stroller or the Moby Wrap and her cute little self. If, however, Mommy has decided to go solo and yell at Billy Blanks on the basement television, it's time for Buttercup to show off her lung capacity.
Phone calls: So it is apparent that Buttercup has no problem with me talking to my mother, my mother-in-law or even a few, select friends. But the wrath of Buttercup shall be made known if and when I get ballsy enough to think I have the right to speak with a source on the phone for a freelance story. I've come to begin my interviews with the simple and telling question: "Do you have children?"
I can only pray they say yes.
Working: So the other day I was jumping back and forth between my personal email account and a few working documents for assignments. I didn't get much work done but I can tell you with great pride that I am now officially caught up with all of my friends and my inbox is sparkly clean.
How did this happen? Well-the day kinda went like this: Mommy played with baby, fed her and got her into the crib for a much needed nap. Mommy is now baby-free and quickly vacuums living room, emails 35 long-lost friends and finishes the dishes. Fifteen minutes later, she decided to get to work. She clicks on her working document and places her fingers over the keyboard.
Cue shrieking baby screams.
Mommy sighs, gets up and replaces baby's pacifier in her mouth, pats cute little bottom and baby dozes off. Mommy gets a load of laundry going, mops kitchen and then dives back into her assignment.
Cue blood-curdling baby screams.
Mommy sighs again, repeats process and this time decides to immediately return to work. But wait! Nature is calling first and she must answer...NOW she can return to work.
And once again, cue a baby scream so high-pitched that the neighborhood dogs have joined in for the chorus by the time Mommy has saved and closed her file, dashed to the baby's room and picked up her little pissed-off angel. Mommy has given up. She'll have to wait for Daddy to volunteer to take the baby for the entire evening when he gets home from work plus handle the housework that didn't get done or for Baby to start kindergarten.
Or whichever comes first.

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