Sunday, August 24, 2008

WTF? Enough said...

It's been an adventure today.

Buttercup woke me up with a 102 degree tem at 4 a.m. this morning, and ran a 100 degree temp all day. She's fine now, but of course, I now feel like I'm coming down with whatever she had.

I have work to do, emails to send, and articles to write, but my head just hurts too much. So I'll leave you with this article from USA Today (bold emphasis added by yours truly.):

Kicking and screaming: Cuban pops ref, ban could follow
By Gary Mihoces, USA TODAY

BEIJING — The referee needed stitches in his lip after being kicked in the face Saturday by an angry loser in the semifinals of Olympic taekwondo. In addition to seeking a lifetime ban of the fighter from Cuba, the Seoul-based World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) said it may press legal charges....

...In a press release, the WTF said the fighter and an unnamed Cuban coach "approached the center referee and the corner judge in the competition area and physically attacked them."

The WTF, which said the International Olympic Committee would have to approve any sanctions, said it would seek them against the fighter and the coach "such as but not limited to exclusion" from future WTF events.

You can read the full story here.

Wait! An Olympic athlete kicked a ref in the face? WTF? He deserves to be banned for life, and has been.

Now, before I log off and go to bed, anyone want to join me in suggesting a new name and acronym for the WTF? Because I cannot be the only one who read that entire story with the words "What the fuck" every time the article was referring the The World Taekwondo Federation.



T J said...

Instead of "World" maybe they could use 'global' or 'planet' so it is GWF or PWF, because yes, everytime I read WTF, my brain read 'what the fuck'.

I'm with you on this one.

Hope you feel better. My 3 yr old has been running fever since Friday night. I have 2 other boys to tend to as well, I am SO exhausted I could cry. Thank god, however, I'm not feeling sick - when momma's sick nothing stops or slows down around here!

Kary said...

Love it!!
Hope Buttercup gets over her fever fast so u can get some rest and the baby can feel better!
Love all of your articles!!!
Keep up the great work.