Tuesday, December 9, 2008

And then there were two...

Wow does time fly with three blogs to manage, a kid to raise, and trying to keep up with the laundry.

And just when I thought I had a nice little routine going, I got two assignments from Metro Parent's print magazine with a January 3 deadline.

That's great-and totally sucks...all at the same time.

Since both stories are education related, that means I have to haul booty on making calls to teachers and parents BEFORE the Christmas break, with enough wiggle room factored in to allow for follow up calls when I am writing.

Add that to the fact that I do not want to be working on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, my birthday (the day after), New Year's Eve, or New Year's Day, and you see my dilema.

Part of me wanted to turn the assignments down, but that would have just been stupid.

So like a good freelancer who wants to pay her bills, I accepted them.

And now the clock starts ticking...



Mary said...

Good luck getting the assignments done! I'm sure you'll be great - you always seem so pulled together, very organized.

Pauline said...

Wow, I didn't realize I was lying to my readers!
I mean, I'm about as organized as chaos can get...and that's putting it nicely!
I appreciate the vote of confidence, though!

ymk said...

good luck with the assignments. I love your blog title :)